Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shaken, Not Stirred

It was 6.9 apparently, and close by, near to Burma's border where one person was killed and several injured.

I felt the tremors, one around 9pm and one closer to 11:30pm our time. They were moderate but not overly significant. Enough to shake me on my bed, which is noticable because these buidlings are on slab concrete, no basement, really solid. Which was enough to make me get up to see if anyone else was acting like something was happening. And when everyone else seemed calm, and it didn't last longer than a minute, I decided I would just ask about it in the morning.

But when the second one came, even though it was smaller and shorter, I got my passport and address to the Canadian consolate at the ready in case I needed to make a mad dash.

As I laid back down, I did not feel any sense of fear or anxiety. Even with the images of Japan, so recently before us. I know that I am in the hands of a Sovereign Lord and the days of my life and the purposes of my life are under His direction. It's all covered, and it's all good. Chai, leuri!

So I guess, to borrow from the famous British spy, I am "shaken but not stirred" in a way. And I could say the opposite is true as well. I am not shaken in my spirit. But my heart is stirred to praise our BIG God for all His wonders, and His provision for all that I need.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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