Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Counting Down the Days

It's really only days now until Pastors Suradet and Yupa and their daughter Bao (Bell) arrive on Canadian soil. 

For myself, and most of us at Highview, the anticipation of this visit has been amplified, not necessarily in excitement, but more in urgency, meaning, and depth.  We are eager for them to be with us so we can be comforted, healed and strengthened together in the aftermath of the tragic loss of their son Bee on September 1st in a motorcycle accident.

It was my profound honour to be able to spend the week of mourning with them in Thailand at the beginning of this month.  I suppose one day I will write more about that experience, but not right now.  It's still too fresh, and too painful.  However, it did give me important insight into how Thai's experience death, how they grieve, and the part community plays in in all.  We now have the chance to be their community as well.

From October 6th to 28th we have them!  Sensitivity to tender hearts notwithstanding, this will be their first time here in the fall season, and various outings to see the colours, choose a pumpkin from the patch, and rake some leaves are already in the works.  We hope to arrange for Bao to spend a day in a Canadian school (with Abby).   We have tickets to a Rangers game!  So an itinerary is building for sure.  Time for just laying low, resting, and being away from regular responsibilities will also be a priority, especially during this time.

Here are some highlights so far:

Arrival - Thursday, October 6
Sorry, van is already full :(

Sunday Morning at Highview - Sunday, October 9
Thanksgiving Sunday Sermon "A Stubborn Kind of Gratitude" Ruth Anne preaching.  Suradet and Yupa bringing greetings.  Opportunity to express sympathies with cards and greetings following the service.

Sunday Morning at Highview - Sunday, October 16
SERIES: The Ones We Can't Ignore  SERMON: "Not Hungry Anymore"  Ruth Anne re-telling the story of Hot Springs and how Suradet and Yupa's own stories provide the passion for their ministry.

Sponsors' Appreciation Night - Friday, October 21
SPONSORS TAKE NOTE - This is for you. 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.  Updates on your kids and a chance to ask questions.  Held at the church.

Goodbye Potluck - Thursday, October 27
Opportunity for one last time together 6:00 p.m. 79 Blythwood Road Waterloo please rsvp so we know how many are coming.

Departure - Friday, October 28

In between there are other times available, and some have already spoken to me.  We will want to be careful not to overbook their visit with us, and they ARE rather popular :), so please let me know at your earliest convenience if you'd like to have them for a meal or take them on an outing.  Use the email provided above.

Please be praying for safe travels, strength and healing in their grief, and opportunities to bless them, even as we are blessed by their presence.