Friday, May 15, 2009

Almost Home

Ruth Anne: One of the significant aspects of our connection to Thailand is just how long it takes to get there and back! As I write we are sitting at Gate 48A in the Los Angeles airport, reveling in our Starbucks drinks and wishing we were already home. We have two more flights to go, unbearable as that sounds now to our very weary butts. George says that our howevers and our perhap`s are okay, but our butts are busted, the really bad humour an indication of our blurry state of mind. It`s particularly disturbing that all of us just laughed really hard. Oh my, we are tired!

While we were in Taipei on our lenghtly layover, we had hoped to write a long blog about the amazing work that God is doing in the lives of our orphans in Thailnd. At the very least, we were going to attempt a lighter side of missions trips by sharing with you the funny stories we`d collected (even though we realized that most of them had to do with George..hmmmm). But no blogging happend. Fatal error: Discovering the free massage chairs!!!! We visited two separate areas, hoping no one would notice. Sorry guys, but the priorties were very, very clear.

So, we`re almost home. Weary but filled up, already missing the kids, Suradet and Yupa, Tutu and the other new and amazing friends God has given us.

There`ll be more stories, humours and otherwise. For now, just know that we have felt your prayers and are deeply grateful to all of you, especially our families, for letting us go.

See you soon.

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