Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Newly Arrived - Me and Some Puppies

Normally when I talk about who's new at Hot Springs, I'm introducing children.

But, fun fact, we have eight brand new puppies!  Barely a week old.

Back story to this.  Hot Springs already had two dogs, Goy and Olion, both males, to help guard the place.

Then, several months ago, three dogs were left here anonymously one morning, all rather young, one male and two even younger smaller females.  This is a common practice here, to leave unwanted dogs and cats into the care of Buddhist temples.  I suppose a Christian church was close enough.

Of course these new no-longer-strays were fed and cared for while we figured things out.  The same compassion that drives Suradet and Yupa to nurture children isn't lost on creatures in need.

Because the females were so young, and because we were still thinking about what kind of commitment we were willing to make, and/or what rehoming might need to be considered, we missed the advent of their maturing, shall we say.  No one's quite sure who the father(s) is/are, since no one's admitting to anything.  

They are still very much confined to their safe little spaces, and the mamas are still quite protective.  So our children here haven't given any names or been exposed to them much at all.  Probably for the best in terms of attachments, as the re-homing plan is now a top priority, and these little guys are absurdly adorable.  Word has it that some of the puppies are already spoken for, pets for church members and others in the neighbourhood who are happy to taken them when they are old enough.

And then of course, there's my arrival.

I am ever so grateful for a wonderfully uneventful trip here.  No crazy weather, or delays, or any problems whatsoever.  I am feeling remarkably alert and relaxed, given not just the jet lag, but the demands of the week immediately prior to take off.  

It's not hard to enjoy the weather.  Still low humidity, daily highs of 33 and lows at night around 19, perfect for sleeping with the window open.  

A solo trip is always different in it's work requirements, and I'm settling into that as well.   Highlights so far have been the arms-open, running hugs yesterday morning when I came around the corner to see the kids for the first time just before they headed to school.  And, the silly finger play a few of us were up to before worship started last night.

Can you make your hands look like the head of a snake?

Me neither.  

But that's okay.  Because we're adorable either way.

Even in these first few days of travel recovery, I am aware of the important list of organizational tasks that need to be done.  The budget for 2025, some conversations about the new property development, funding opportunities here in Thailand, and some visioning into the future.  Big things that require our good attention.  As well, I'll be preaching twice over the three Sundays I'm here.  Prayers appreciated, as always, for my valiant yet faltering attempts at Thai.  Our Bible lessons will focus on all the big things God does with our 'little' contributions, for which I personally am utterly grateful.

And so begins the first days of this time here.
Curious to see what God wants to do.

Thank you everyone for all your love and support, always!

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