I heard on the radio this morning that the wind chill today is going to be around -20 C! That's not over night. That's for 'most of the day.' Immediately I was grateful for at least three things.
Our sung new little house.
Very thick wool socks.
And the smiles of some very beautiful children half a planet away.
In the category of 'it's all relative,' they've been experiencing some chilly temperatures of their own. Chiang Mai has recently had overnight lows of 12 C, which right now sounds balmy to us, but picture this happening in the summer, and you're camping and/or have no source of heat. Yeah, like that for them.
So, since I can think of few things more warming than the smiles of Thai children, I thought I'd send along a few of them to take the chill off this day in Ontario for us, and/or whatever you're in the middle of right now that might benefit from this particular brand of sunshine.
Just eight of them today. I'll send more another time. For now, these are just some of our best, goofiest, most brilliant smiles.
It's probably a given, but I'll just say it here. We're not always all smiles at New Family Foundation. Our kids are normal human children, with a wide portfolio of feelings, and we have no problem with them letting us know what those might be on any given day.
As well, the very nature of our gathered family means there are stories that brought them here. And those stories have varying degrees of awful in them, chapters that are sad and sometimes dark. Expecting smiles all the time is, well, ridiculous.
Having said that, I will add that when we do see our children relaxed and happy, gleeful and excited, and in any other way engaging with life as if they feel safe and hopeful, that is most beautiful. Frankly, it's probably one of the best, most amazing joys of my heart.
So here's some smiley-warmth for you today. To the Sponsors of our children (not all of which are pictured here), a HUGE thank you always. You are so much part of putting these children at ease, providing them not just the basics of survival, but a place to thrive and grow and feel and smile.
Along with Suradet and Yupa, and all our children, we wish you the coziest of days, filled with whatever makes you smile.