Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Make Believe Tea Party Ends This Week

Throughout the month of August we have been having a different sort of fundraiser.

You don't have to get up and go anywhere. You don't have to gather anything. You don't have to sell anything.

You just have to brew yourself a nice cup of tea, and send in a donation to New Family Foundation towards our general operations budget.

Of course many of you, being on our mailing list, would have received a bag of tea in the mail, along with a return envelope and a response card indicating how you'd like to make your donation.

The response has been amazing so far, and I can't wait to post the final results next week! Thank you to everyone who has sent in something. I hope you enjoyed your cup of tea, or are saving it for one of those chilly mornings coming up in the fall.

Today I thought I'd just post a reminder to those of you, like me, who sometimes put something on a mental list but then lose the list. We have until August 31st to participate in the Make Believe Tea Party.

If you would like to participate, even without having a tea bag delivered to you, you can still do so via e-transfer to (use password Thai Tea). And thank you so much.

Now, all of this has been in honour of Yupa, the Mom of right now 24 children who would otherwise be at-risk or orphaned, with no real opportunities in front of them.

It's fitting that we do this in August for two reasons.

One is that August 12 is Mother's Day in Thailand.

The other is that August 31st bears a particular weight for Yupa. It marks the day her son Bee died in a tragic motorcycle accident at the age of 20. Then, seven years later she would lose her father to leukemia on the very same day.

Tea or no tea, we would all appreciate your prayers of comfort during this week.

Blessings, and thanks again to everyone who has made this first ever effort a success!

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