I'm pleased with the find. Even had fun joking a little with the vendor, a local lady with an easy laugh. Besides the simple fun of sharing a humorous moment, I always find it reassuring when strangers understand me.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Stranger Things (at a Thai Market and Everywhere Else)
I'm pleased with the find. Even had fun joking a little with the vendor, a local lady with an easy laugh. Besides the simple fun of sharing a humorous moment, I always find it reassuring when strangers understand me.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
The Long Lost Ones
He tells them that when he got back to his village, some friends his own age took it upon themselves to teach him to read in Thai, succeeding where his previous teacher could not. Through other connections, he was put in touch with a small Bible School in his region, and he is well into his second year of study. He's not quite sure how God might use him, but he says he wants to be a pastor.
Well, who knew!
Yupa shows me the picture, and I am overwhelmed. Ten years! And the story comes around to this. And we rejoice. And we marvel at God's careful hand in guiding this eager heart.
It's not always that we see these kinds of results or get this kind of closure for some of our children. Most of the Sponsors who have had this unfortunate experience never get an email from me with the before and after pictures, story attached. We just trust.
There's always hope. And whatever we can offer a child for however long he or she is with us, we will do it with love and compassion and joy.
Can't wait to see what God's got in mind for Chenlung!
Saturday, March 1, 2025
All on a Saturday Morning
At the beginning, I tried to convince Yupa to keep these in a more available space so that the children can have at them whenever they like. But she insisted they stay safe between visits, and I now understand why. It's a bit of a crazy creative chaos deal. Especially when you think they won't remember, oh let's say, all the beads we have in stock, so you don't put that out, but Lukmee, who's not shy about these things, politely but persistently points with her mouth to that particular bin.
So I relent, and together we dig out those particular containers from their ever-so-neatly stored spaces, and add them to the mess.
Chaotic, but not noisy. There's ten of them gathered around the tables and sprawled on the floor. They are all quite focused, quite used to having to wait their turn for one of the five pair of scissors, easily moving between each other to reach for something they need. Still, repeated snipping leaves snippets, and experimental use of paint leaves globs. Da has even discovered the pleasing results of splaying small portions of white paint over a final project for a snow effect. And the beads, well, they spill a lot. Clean up will be tedious, to say the least.
I don't mind. No one is on a device. We don't have them here. Everyone is focused on self expression. They are thinking of their Sponsors, creating gifts for them for me to bring back in the large manilla envelopes with their names on them. Beautiful, true masterpieces of childish love. Offered as exactly what they wanted to do with their Saturday morning.
I move among them quietly. Cutting lengths of thread for beading. Refilling paint cups. Finding more paper. Finding the glue stick. Helping to spell out a word for writing or beading. Receiving the finished works and gushing over them, telling them how much their Sponsor, by name, will love it. And in the midst of it, I realize there's really no other way I'd like to spend a Saturday morning either.
At the end of the morning the paint all washes off easily. With only the slightest of suggestion, they all pitch in to clean things up. Even all the beads.
We operate on a shoe string budget around here. You might think we're poor, except...for Saturday mornings. You can't buy what happened here in the main room of the guest how this morning.
Not for all the money in the world.
And yet....Saturdays aren't even my favourite of all the week.
Tomorrow's Sunday!!!!!!!!!!