Thursday, April 29, 2021

A Little Goes A Long Way

You're invited to make a big difference in a small way.

It's about Covid and economies and rice and stuff.

Let me explain.

It's happening all over the world.  This you already know.  Covid's effect on economies is far reaching, and yet to be fully realized, even here in Canada.

In Thailand, where tourism provides a significant amount of the national economy, travel bans have had an unfortunately predictable impact.  It's not known how long before the general public will feel safe to travel again, or even when Thailand's government will feel safe to open their borders.  As well, the same business and economic fallout is happening there as here.

In this environment, we have set a budget for 2021 for New Family Foundation's general operations.  As we expected, there is a shortfall caused by the difference between what we are currently sending (monthly amounts for our Sponsors) and the 'extra' cost of living increases incurred by Covid 19.

And here's why I'm making this appeal now.

One.  I am reluctant to go to the Sponsors for any increase.  What a generous and faithful team of Sponsors we have.  They truly do care for their Sponsored child, many of them having taken the time and expense to go visit for themselves.  (Something we truly hope we can invite folks to do again, once it's safe to do so.)

Two. These increases are small enough to perhaps invite participation from those who would not be able to afford the $75 per month for each child, but still might want to be part of what's happening at Hot Springs.

To break it down into more tangible items, here's what it's going to cost us, and where someone might want to pick up the difference.  These are all monthly amounts.

Increase in cost of rice (three 'units' at $30 per month each, or $90 total)
Increase in cost of gas (one 'unit' at $20 per month each)
Increase in gas for vehicles (ten 'units' at $20 each, or $200 total)
Increase in cost of fire insurance (one 'unit' of $30)
Increase in cost of dental/medical insurance (three 'units' of $25 each, or $75 total)
Increase in cost of motorbike maintenance (one 'unit' of $10)
Cost of living raise for Suradet OR Yupa ($20 per month each, or $40 total).

Arrangements can be made for regular, monthly payments or one lump sum payment.

Also, one time lump sum donations for our Student Fund, helping two of our young adults continue their post secondary education, are always welcome.

Tax receipts are provided for all donations.

So I'm just putting this out there.

I've been ever so encouraged by the responses to individual asks being sent out in the past week.
And I certainly will continue to shake those bushes.  When it comes to orphaned and at risk kids, I can find a boldness I wouldn't have otherwise.

And....there's more to come.
We will begin a Dollar for Dollar campaign very soon in order to take the next bigger steps in developing our new property and building a proper facility for our kids now and into the future.

But one small step at a time.

So that's my ask.
There are so many beautiful important things to be part of around this planet.  Especially right now.  If you have another passion, please be generous there.  There's lots to go around if we all do our part.

If you can help us balance the 2021 Budget at New Family Foundation, then I'd be happy to hear from you at my email address

And, just, thank you.

"The mission of New Family Foundation is to provide a loving home 
for at-risk and orphaned children in Northern Thailand 
to help them achieve their best potential in education, vocation and service to society."