For the 'there' of Hot Springs, we are delighted to let you know that a new little girl named May has joined the family.
We don't know too much about her yet, but she sure looks like a sweetie, and we'll do our best to keep you posted when we find out more about her story. She quickly had a Highview Sponsor in the Weatherall family, and we thank them, and all our Sponsors for their selfless love in making all the difference in the world for one treasured child.
All the children would be well into their school year by now, having started mid May after their 'summer' break that started end of March. With the wonder of the internet, we are able to hear from them regularly, and know that they are doing well, and continue to thrive in their unique family environment.
In September, I will begin a three month stay at Hot Springs, shadow-pastoring Suradet in fulfillment of my required internship for my MDiv at Tyndale. This is an incredible opportunity, and I am deeply grateful for Highview's generosity in releasing me for this time, AND Suradet and Yupa's abundant hospitality in being willing to have me.
For the Team that was there last March, our service at Highview on May 31st was full of stories of God's goodness and grace in allowing us this phenomenal relationship with our beloved Thai family. All of us continue to process the lessons learned during that time, and hope we can bring back just a very little bit of the love, respect and servanthood we are offered when we are there.
A date to keep in mind, if you are in the Kitchener Waterloo area. Saturday, September 19 is our Annual Asia Trip Garage Sale. Funds raised will go toward expenses for the 2016 Asia Team. Donations of good-quality used goods will be received the week following the sale, so set aside whatever you can, and watch for instructions on Highview's web page for when and how to drop things off. Thanks!
We are ever grateful for all the support of everyone at Highview, and other friends, who release us and Sponsor kids and save up stuff for Garage Sales, and keep on doing whatever it takes to continue in this astonishing partnership we have with beautiful people half way around the world. Thanks so much, everyone!