Hello Friends!
Hello Friends!
“The mission of New Family Foundation is to provide a loving home
for at-risk and orphaned children in Northern Thailand
to help them achieve their best potential
in education, vocation and service to society.
I spell it that way so you can hear their little voices lifting and emphasizing the last syllable as they do for most every name. The 'Pa' part means aunt.
Norma's dedication as a Sponsor isn't just to her own child Da (in the pink second to the right in this picture). It's to the whole family. And while we fully understand that not every devoted Sponsor can actually make the trip, Norma has done so four times now. This is at her own expense. This costs her vacation days at work.
So no wonder the children know her. No wonder they've dropped the more formal "Pi" (older sister, but almost like saying "Miss" Norma), and embrace her as an auntie. It's true, Thai culture is very family oriented. Everyone is brother or sister, mother or father, in ways esteemed and real. AND...there was something of a tighter circle this time out in the children's understanding of Norma's deep connection to them.
The family thing is important. We are New Family Foundation after all. And the whole place feels and sounds and is all family all the time. We feel it, when we're there. That's why so many team members, reflecting later on their experience, express a surprise in how warmly they were welcomed, how genuinely they felt the love. This, my friends, is how the children who come to us heal and thrive and grow too.
And, on Sunday at Highview I was given the chance to talk briefly about a next level kind of family.
On day, November 18th, at evening worship at Hot Springs, God’s Spirit moved in a remarkable way when ten children made a decision to ask Jesus to forgive their sin, and become the leader of their life.
For context, and in case there may be some who are understandably cautious or protective about the spiritual journeys of children, I’ll let you know that great care was given not to manipulate any given response.
At New Family Foundation, our children hear about Jesus every day. Morning worship time and evening worship time, and Sunday mornings when they participate as members of the larger congregation that is Hot Springs Church. Even for our most recently-arrived kids, that’s been six months of teaching and experiencing what is means to live for Jesus.
In preparation for any visit, Suradet, Yupa and I decide together what the focus will be for the evening Bible Lessons, and this time it was back to the basics of the life and ministry of Jesus, starting with His exceptional birth all the way to the Resurrection. Our unit was called “Jesus is my Forever Friend.” We decided together that there would be an invitation to the children included.
From the first night, I told the children they would be given the chance to decide to make Jesus their Forever Friend. Throughout the lessons, almost every evening, I reminded them that they would be asked if they wanted to become a Christian. And then, last Monday, as I began the lesson, I told them that this was the day.
It was explained all along the way, that this was a big decision, and if they weren’t ready, that was okay. They should wait until they were ready, and really meant it. But even with those disclaimers, when the moment came, ten kids stood and came to the centre of the room.
We went around and laid hands on them each individually, gently, praying God's beauty and strength upon them. It was careful, and meaningful, and gentle and truly beautiful.
And now, the reality is, under the care of their shepherds, Suradet and Yupa, and the whole staff there, these kids will be encouraged to continue to grow in their faith toward all God has created them to be. Daily, quietly, easily, unhurried and respectful.
So, to all Sponsors, thank you. To the Sponsors of these ten, you now have something rather specific to be praying about.
To everyone who supports us in any way, God has used your kindness for His purposes in the lives of these kids.
Do not doubt it for a minute.