Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Long View: Megan's Story

The first in what I hope to be a short series highlighting various individuals who have spent time at Hot Springs; both those from Highview and elsewhere.  

"I long to see you so that I may impart to you 
some spiritual gift to make you strong 
--that is, that we might be encouraged by each other's faith."  
The Apostle Paul - Romans 1:11-12

2010 with Somchai, Beeyung, Boy and Bell

"If you just want to support a project, then, fine.  Send money. 
But if you want to build a relationship, you just need to be there."  
Megan Ogilvie

2020 Reading with the kids
In January 2020 Megan marked ten years of visits (five times) to our Children's Home at New Family Foundation.  Not only has Megan been a effective minister for every trip, mostly due to her ability to easily connect with the children, but by now she also has a longer term perspective that is helpful as we continue to forge our partnership there.

When asked what she observed were the changes over ten years, she replied:

Getting to see the changes that have occurred since I first went in 2010 over this long period of time has been amazing. When I first came, I'll admit, it was a bit of an anomaly, being the hottest weather they (and I) had experienced. But it was this cute little church and building, 12 kids, plus Suradet and Yupa and their 2 children.  They were all were quieter, still very clearly trying to make sure not to offend these white visitors. It was still the very new stages of a relationship, with both sides still figuring out where it was going. 

Pretty spectacular jump shot!

Since then, over the next four trips, there was so much growth. The property got three new buildings, a goat farm, and a new dining shelter. The children have a little computer station to do their homework at. There's new instruments that they play on Sunday mornings, and wardrobes for them to keep their stuff off the ground. 

But even more important than that is the way that the relationship has changed and grown. I remember the first time we had taken the children on an outing and Suradet had a nap. He had never done that before. He'd always wanted to be awake to make sure he was tending to our every need, even though we'd assure him we were fine. But in that moment I could see the change from wary friendship to a sense of family beginning. Now we're at the point where, this past trip, Yupa let Esther and I do the dishes after meals. That, people, is progress!  We still haven't managed to be sneaky enough to jump in on laundry, but I feel like that's just around the corner. 

There's an air of comfortable familiarity now. Both sides know the other side isn't going anywhere. 

2020 with Esther, Im, Atom, Gam and Norma (making faces)

On top of that, to see the independence that Suradet and Yupa have gained has been amazing.  In establishing New Family Foundation, they have been able to actualize a vision; something they tentatively shared with us at the beginning, but which has now come into it's owns full blown thing.  There's even a new property in the works - it's just amazing!  Hot Springs has flourished under their love and leadership, even in the midst of several very hard things for them. I can't wait to see what the next ten years brings.

The mission of New Family Foundation is to provide a loving home for at-risk and orphaned children in Northern Thailand to help then achieve their best potential in education, vocation and service to society.

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